This is Marwan Elsadek's GITA 2 page for GITA 2. We
are studying Javascript. It's my second year of GITA.
It's difficult to learn but it's what I
call hard fun.

chatbpt project

In this project, we learned the basics of using buttons and labels to display things.

Tech page

In this project, we learned the basic of using flippable images.


In this project, we learned how to make a buisness card.


In this project, we learned how to put images.

merchandise store

In this project, we learned how to use textboxes.


In this project, we learned how to use the pythagorean theroem to identify triangles, Also how to use a random number genarator.

store upgrade

In this project, we learned how to use a random number genarator so that the user can play a game of craps.


In this project, we learned how to keep track of a subtotal for muliple items purchased and keeping track of total sales, total customers and average sale.

Space invaders

In this project, we learned how to use a random number genarator as well as keeping track of money.


In this project, we learned how to make a multi-player experiance and keep track of radio buttons.

circle bounce

In this project, we learned how to track clicks and use upgrades.


In this project, We learned how to use arrays.


In this project, We learned how to use arrays in multiple objets.

String program

In this project, We learned how to push strings into an Array.

Research project

In this project, We learned how to use Templates.

Number Array Uprade

In this project, We learned how to push numbers into an Array and find efficient ways to search through an array.


In this project, We learned how to push images into an Array and find ways to compare two things in the same array.

Basquetbol del mundo

In this project, We learned how to combine everything we learned in the year into one big final project.